Should I BBQ steak on high or low?

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BBQing steak is a popular cooking method that many people enjoy. However, there is a great debate over whether high heat or low heat is the best way to cook it. Some argue that high heat is the key to achieving a perfectly cooked steak, while others swear by low heat. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of both methods and provide tips for achieving perfectly cooked steak on either high or low heat.

Key Takeaways

  • High heat BBQing steak results in a crispy exterior and juicy interior, but can easily overcook the steak.
  • Low heat BBQing steak allows for a more even cook and better control over the steak’s doneness, but lacks the charred flavor.
  • Cuts like ribeye and strip steak are best suited for high heat BBQing.
  • Cuts like flank and skirt steak are best suited for low heat BBQing.
  • Use a meat thermometer to determine the ideal cooking temperature for your steak.

Understanding the Different Heat Levels of BBQing

Before we dive into the pros and cons of high and low heat BBQing, it’s important to understand the different heat levels and how they affect the steak. High heat is typically around 450-500°F, while low heat is around 250-300°F. High heat cooks the steak quickly and creates a crispy exterior, while low heat cooks the steak more slowly and evenly.

The Pros and Cons of High Heat BBQing Steak

High heat BBQing has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the main pros of high heat is the quick cooking time. If you’re short on time or prefer your steak cooked quickly, high heat is the way to go. Additionally, high heat creates a crispy exterior, which many people enjoy. This can add a nice texture to the steak.

However, there are also some cons to high heat BBQing. One of the main cons is that it’s easy to overcook the steak. Since high heat cooks the steak quickly, it’s important to keep a close eye on it to prevent it from becoming dry and overcooked. Additionally, high heat is not ideal for thicker cuts of steak as they may not cook evenly throughout.

The Pros and Cons of Low Heat BBQing Steak

On the other hand, low heat BBQing also has its pros and cons. One of the main pros of low heat is the even cooking it provides. The slower cooking time allows the steak to cook more evenly, resulting in a tender interior. This is especially beneficial for thicker cuts of steak that require a longer cooking time to ensure the interior is cooked properly.

However, one of the cons of low heat BBQing is the longer cooking time. If you’re looking for a quick meal, low heat may not be the best option. Additionally, low heat does not create as crispy of an exterior as high heat does, which may be a downside for some.

Which Cuts of Steak are Best Suited for High Heat BBQing?

Thinner cuts of steak, such as flank steak or skirt steak, are best suited for high heat BBQing. These cuts cook quickly and benefit from the crispy exterior that high heat provides. The quick cooking time helps to prevent these thinner cuts from becoming overcooked and dry.

Which Cuts of Steak are Best Suited for Low Heat BBQing?

Thicker cuts of steak, such as ribeye or filet mignon, are best suited for low heat BBQing. These cuts require a longer cooking time to ensure the interior is cooked properly, and benefit from the even cooking that low heat provides. The slower cooking time allows these cuts to become tender and juicy.

Tips for Achieving Perfectly Cooked Steak on High Heat

If you choose to BBQ your steak on high heat, there are a few tips you can follow to achieve perfectly cooked steak. First, use a meat thermometer to ensure the steak is cooked to the desired temperature. This will help prevent overcooking and ensure that your steak is cooked to your liking.

Second, let the steak rest for a few minutes before slicing it. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more flavorful and tender steak.

Lastly, consider using a marinade or rub to add flavor to your steak. High heat cooking can sometimes result in a less flavorful steak, so adding a marinade or rub can help enhance the taste.

Tips for Achieving Perfectly Cooked Steak on Low Heat

If you prefer to BBQ your steak on low heat, there are also some tips you can follow to achieve perfectly cooked steak. First, use a meat thermometer to ensure the steak is cooked to the desired temperature. This will help you avoid undercooking or overcooking the steak.

Second, sear the steak on high heat before transferring it to low heat. This will help create a crispy exterior before the slower cooking process begins. Searing the steak also helps to lock in the juices and enhance the flavor.

Lastly, let the steak rest for a few minutes before slicing it. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more flavorful and tender steak.

How to Determine the Ideal Cooking Temperature for Your Steak

The ideal cooking temperature for your steak depends on personal preference and the cut of steak. Different cuts of steak have different ideal cooking temperatures. For example, a medium-rare ribeye may have an internal temperature of around 130-135°F, while a medium-rare filet mignon may have an internal temperature of around 135-140°F.

To determine the internal temperature of your steak, use a meat thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the steak, avoiding any bones or fat. Once you have determined the internal temperature, adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Final Verdict: High Heat or Low Heat BBQing for Steak?

In conclusion, whether you choose to BBQ your steak on high heat or low heat depends on personal preference and the cut of steak. Thinner cuts of steak are best suited for high heat BBQing, as they cook quickly and benefit from the crispy exterior that high heat provides. Thicker cuts of steak are best suited for low heat BBQing, as they require a longer cooking time to ensure the interior is cooked properly and benefit from the even cooking that low heat provides.

Regardless of the method you choose, there are tips you can follow to achieve perfectly cooked steak. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the steak is cooked to the desired temperature, let the steak rest before slicing it, and consider using a marinade or rub to enhance the flavor. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy a delicious and perfectly cooked steak every time you BBQ.


What is the ideal temperature for BBQing steak?

The ideal temperature for BBQing steak is between 400-450°F.

Should I BBQ steak on high or low?

It is recommended to BBQ steak on high heat for a short period of time to sear the outside and then lower the heat to finish cooking to the desired doneness.

What is the purpose of searing steak?

Searing steak on high heat helps to create a crust on the outside of the steak, which helps to lock in the juices and flavor.

How long should I sear steak on high heat?

Sear steak on high heat for 1-2 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the steak.

How long should I cook steak on low heat?

Cook steak on low heat for an additional 4-6 minutes per side, depending on the desired doneness.

What is the internal temperature for a rare steak?

The internal temperature for a rare steak is 125°F.

What is the internal temperature for a medium-rare steak?

The internal temperature for a medium-rare steak is 135°F.

What is the internal temperature for a medium steak?

The internal temperature for a medium steak is 145°F.

What is the internal temperature for a well-done steak?

The internal temperature for a well-done steak is 160°F.