Do you cover BBQ when cooking steak?

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BBQ cooking has become a beloved pastime for many people around the world. Whether it’s a backyard gathering with friends and family or a professional competition, there is something special about the smoky flavors and tender meats that come from cooking on a BBQ. However, to achieve that perfect meal, it is important to understand and utilize proper cooking techniques.

Proper cooking techniques are essential for achieving a delicious meal on the BBQ. From marinating the meat to controlling the temperature, every step plays a crucial role in the final result. One technique that often gets overlooked but can make a significant difference is covering the BBQ while cooking steak. This simple step can enhance the flavor, tenderness, and juiciness of the steak, resulting in a mouthwatering meal.

Key Takeaways

  • BBQ cooking is a popular method of cooking meat outdoors.
  • Covering the BBQ when cooking steak is important to ensure even cooking and prevent flare-ups.
  • Advantages of covering BBQ when cooking steak include faster cooking time, juicier meat, and less smoke.
  • Disadvantages of not covering BBQ when cooking steak include uneven cooking, dry meat, and flare-ups.
  • Types of BBQ covers for steak cooking include aluminum foil, metal lids, and specialized BBQ covers.

The Importance of Covering BBQ when Cooking Steak

Covering the BBQ while cooking steak is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to trap the heat inside the grill, creating a more even cooking environment. This is especially important when grilling thicker cuts of steak, as it ensures that the meat cooks evenly from edge to center. Without a cover, the heat can escape, leading to uneven cooking and potentially overcooking certain parts of the steak.

Secondly, covering the BBQ helps to retain moisture in the steak. When the grill is covered, the steam created by the cooking process is trapped inside, keeping the meat moist and preventing it from drying out. This is particularly beneficial for lean cuts of steak that have less fat marbling, as they are more prone to drying out during cooking.

Lastly, covering the BBQ while cooking steak helps to infuse the meat with smoky flavors. The smoke produced by the wood or charcoal used in the grill gets trapped inside when it is covered, allowing it to penetrate the meat and enhance its taste. This adds an extra layer of flavor that cannot be achieved without covering the BBQ.

Advantages of Covering BBQ when Cooking Steak

There are several advantages to covering the BBQ when cooking steak. Firstly, it helps to create a more tender and juicy steak. The trapped heat and steam inside the grill help to break down the connective tissues in the meat, resulting in a more tender texture. Additionally, the moisture retained by covering the BBQ prevents the steak from drying out, ensuring that it remains juicy and flavorful.

Covering the BBQ also helps to create a more even cooking environment. The heat is distributed more evenly throughout the grill, ensuring that all parts of the steak cook at the same rate. This eliminates the risk of overcooking or undercooking certain areas of the steak, resulting in a perfectly cooked piece of meat.

Furthermore, covering the BBQ enhances the smoky flavors in the steak. The smoke produced by the grill gets trapped inside, infusing the meat with a rich and smoky taste. This adds depth and complexity to the flavor profile of the steak, making it even more enjoyable to eat.

Disadvantages of Not Covering BBQ when Cooking Steak

Not covering the BBQ when cooking steak can have several drawbacks. Firstly, it can lead to uneven cooking. Without a cover, the heat is not distributed evenly throughout the grill, resulting in some areas of the steak cooking faster than others. This can lead to overcooking or undercooking certain parts of the meat, resulting in an inconsistent texture and taste.

Secondly, not covering the BBQ can cause the steak to dry out. Without a cover, the moisture in the meat evaporates more quickly, leading to a dry and tough steak. This is especially true for lean cuts of steak that have less fat marbling to keep them moist during cooking.

Lastly, not covering the BBQ can result in a lack of smoky flavor in the steak. The smoke produced by the grill escapes into the air instead of being trapped inside, resulting in a less pronounced smoky taste. This can be disappointing for those who enjoy the distinct flavor that comes from cooking on a BBQ.

Types of BBQ Covers for Steak Cooking

There are several types of BBQ covers available for steak cooking. The most common type is a lid or hood that comes with the grill. These covers are designed to fit snugly over the grill and can be opened and closed as needed. They are typically made of stainless steel or cast iron, which helps to retain heat and distribute it evenly throughout the grill.

Another type of BBQ cover is a dome-shaped cover that sits on top of the grill. These covers are often made of ceramic or clay and are designed to create a convection effect, circulating the heat and smoke around the meat. This can result in a more even cooking process and enhanced flavors.

Additionally, there are portable BBQ covers available for those who want to take their grilling on the go. These covers are lightweight and easy to transport, making them ideal for camping trips or picnics.

Tips for Choosing the Right BBQ Cover for Steak Cooking

When choosing a BBQ cover for steak cooking, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, consider the size of your grill and choose a cover that fits properly. A cover that is too small will not provide adequate protection, while a cover that is too large may not seal properly, allowing heat and smoke to escape.

Secondly, consider the material of the cover. Stainless steel or cast iron covers are durable and provide excellent heat retention, but they can be heavy and may require more effort to open and close. Ceramic or clay covers are lighter and create a convection effect, but they may not retain heat as well as metal covers.

Lastly, consider any additional features that may be important to you. Some covers come with built-in thermometers or vents that allow you to control the temperature more easily. Others may have handles or hooks for easy removal and storage. Choose a cover that has the features that will enhance your grilling experience.

How to Cover BBQ when Cooking Steak

Covering the BBQ when cooking steak is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to cover the BBQ properly:

1. Preheat the grill: Before covering the BBQ, make sure it is preheated to the desired temperature. This will ensure that the grill is hot enough to sear the steak and create those beautiful grill marks.

2. Place the steak on the grill: Once the grill is preheated, place the steak on the grates and close the lid or cover. Make sure that the steak is positioned in the center of the grill for even cooking.

3. Adjust the vents: If your grill has vents, adjust them accordingly to control the airflow and temperature inside the grill. This will help to maintain a consistent cooking environment.

4. Monitor the cooking time: Keep an eye on the steak and monitor its cooking time. The cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of the steak and your desired level of doneness.

5. Flip the steak: After a few minutes, flip the steak using tongs or a spatula. This will ensure that both sides of the steak are cooked evenly.

6. Continue cooking: Close the lid or cover again and continue cooking until the steak reaches your desired level of doneness. Use a meat thermometer to check for doneness if needed.

7. Remove from heat: Once the steak is cooked to your liking, remove it from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. This will allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more flavorful and tender steak.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Covering BBQ while Cooking Steak

While covering the BBQ when cooking steak can greatly enhance the final result, there are some common mistakes that people make. Here are a few to avoid:

1. Not preheating the grill: It is important to preheat the grill before covering it. This ensures that the grill is hot enough to sear the steak and create those beautiful grill marks. Skipping this step can result in a less flavorful and less tender steak.

2. Opening the cover too often: While it may be tempting to check on the steak frequently, opening the cover too often can cause heat and smoke to escape, resulting in uneven cooking and a loss of smoky flavor. Try to resist the urge to peek and trust the cooking process.

3. Overcooking or undercooking the steak: Properly timing the cooking process is crucial for achieving a perfectly cooked steak. Overcooking can result in a dry and tough steak, while undercooking can leave the meat raw in the center. Use a meat thermometer or the touch test to determine when the steak is done to your liking.

4. Using a cover that doesn’t fit properly: Using a cover that doesn’t fit properly can lead to heat and smoke escaping from the grill, resulting in uneven cooking and a loss of flavor. Make sure to choose a cover that fits snugly over your grill for optimal results.

How Long Should You Cover BBQ when Cooking Steak?

The length of time you should cover the BBQ when cooking steak will depend on several factors, including the thickness of the steak and your desired level of doneness. As a general guideline, it is recommended to cover the BBQ for about 70-80% of the total cooking time.

For example, if you are grilling a 1-inch thick steak to medium-rare (internal temperature of 135°F), you would cover the BBQ for approximately 6-7 minutes on each side. This allows the steak to sear and develop those beautiful grill marks before covering it to finish cooking.

However, it is important to note that cooking times can vary depending on the type of grill, the heat source, and other factors. It is always best to use a meat thermometer to check for doneness and adjust the cooking time accordingly.

The Benefits of Covering BBQ when Cooking Steak

In conclusion, covering the BBQ when cooking steak is a simple yet effective technique that can greatly enhance the flavor, tenderness, and juiciness of the meat. By trapping the heat and steam inside the grill, covering the BBQ creates a more even cooking environment and prevents the steak from drying out. It also helps to infuse the meat with smoky flavors, resulting in a more flavorful and enjoyable meal.

When choosing a BBQ cover for steak cooking, consider factors such as size, material, and additional features. Follow the proper steps for covering the BBQ and avoid common mistakes such as opening the cover too often or overcooking the steak. By following these guidelines, you can achieve a perfectly cooked steak that is tender, juicy, and full of flavor. So next time you fire up the grill, don’t forget to cover it for a truly delicious meal.


What is BBQ?

BBQ stands for Barbecue, which is a method of cooking meat, fish, or vegetables over an open flame or hot coals.

What is the purpose of covering BBQ when cooking steak?

Covering BBQ when cooking steak helps to trap the heat and smoke, which helps to cook the steak evenly and infuse it with flavor.

Should you cover BBQ when cooking steak?

It depends on the method of cooking and personal preference. If you are grilling the steak over high heat, it is not necessary to cover it. However, if you are using a low and slow cooking method, such as smoking, covering the steak can help to keep it moist and tender.

What are the different methods of cooking steak on BBQ?

The different methods of cooking steak on BBQ include grilling, smoking, and searing. Grilling involves cooking the steak over high heat for a short period of time, while smoking involves cooking the steak over low heat for a longer period of time. Searing involves cooking the steak over high heat for a short period of time to create a crust on the outside.

What are the benefits of cooking steak on BBQ?

Cooking steak on BBQ can help to infuse it with smoky flavor and create a crispy crust on the outside while keeping the inside juicy and tender. It also allows for easy cooking of large cuts of meat and is a great way to cook outdoors during the summer months.